Blog #5: On War

Both and, as you may have guessed from the context, are incredibly anti-war and give their own blogs and research on relations between countries and the possibilities of war, and then explain that war should not only, not be an option, but it shouldn't even be on the table. 

In this article from, they speak about an alarming topic between America and China. By the end, they say "It is clear no one would benefit from a war, but it's not clear there is interest in repairing ties." which was enough to send chills down my spine. If no one is to benefit from war, then why go into it in the first place? War for the sake of war doesn't get anyone anywhere. It's costly, it's dirty and most importantly, the lives will be lost for nothing.

In this article from gives us a more in-depth review of US-China relations. It brings up America's decline to participate in a naval exercise called "The Rim of the Pacific," (No, unfortunately, it wasn't like Pacific Rim). But this was two years ago, and only recently there was almost a collision between two ships, an American and Chinese. 

It's unfortunate that topics like these don't get enough air-time if at all on mainstream media. It seems almost everyone in America, at least as of right now, is focused solely on the riots and COVID. And there's nothing wrong about wanting to keep tabs on these hot topics, but doesn't a possible war with China sounds important as well? And with elections coming up in November, Trump's air-time is going to skyrocket thanks to the mainstream media.


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