Blog Post #1: On Recent First Amendment Stories

In this video from Louder with Crowder, I'm not sure if this specific story was in the news but it was on a livestream on YouTube (link will be posted). Steven Crowder, a Canadian-American comedian/podcast-hoster visited Dallas Texas to witness the aftermath of a protest/riot. He walks down the streets, seeing plywood put up against the glass of stores and comments on them, making jokes as well as making his own points. 

However, just about after half-way through the video, he comes across a man painting a mural of George Floyd. It's very well done and looks professional, but Crowder's only problem with it is that its on private property. He attempts to discuss this with the painter, but they only begin to escalate each other but it doesn't turn violent.

This is a very big issue I see with a lot of people. Aside from the destruction of police cars and shop windows, people making graffiti. Be it ugly words or beautiful paintings, it still counts as vandalizing private property. I've heard arguments like, "Well what else are we supposed to do? They won't hear us until we get violent." Even though peace protests have worked in the past.

I don't have an answer for the problems going on, but I know for sure violence isn't the answer. I hope everyone is being affected by this is being smart and remaining civil through these very trying times.


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