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Final Blog: "On-line Tattoos"

                (Please laugh at my pun of a title)      Juan Enriquez gave a talk on Ted Talk   on humanity and the internet. And it really got me thinking about my online presence. Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube, etc. Facebook can be really horrifying when you think about it. Selling out your information to companies who wanna sell to you. But one thing all these platforms have is when you post something, that’s there forever. Sure, you can delete it later, but how late is late? If you post something about Black Lives Matter that doesn’t quite paint a nice picture of them, you may change your mind three years later and have second thoughts about the movement, or even vice versa. But that post you made is still out there and has probably been seen, shared, and commented on by bunches of people. The numbers grow like bacterial reproduction.                And now, with job applications happening mostly online (and thanks to COVID there even less in-person interviews) you get

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